Hawthorne II Homeowners’ Association Meeting Minutes 
July 14, 2021 

Board Member Attendance 

Don Read, Mark Clauss, Cherilyn Sytar, Don Sutton, *Jeff “CC” Biggs 


Meet at Mark’s House (6:30) 

Welcome Cherilyn Sytar to the Board 

Capital Improvements 

Bridge replacement update – Joe B will hopefully start in next month; should repurpose Old Bridge? 

Handrails for metal bridge located between H2 and HH – will ask Joe B to complete this bridge too 

West fountain still not operational – Bill Hancock is waiting on short-staffed factory for new pump 

Plan and initiate upgrades needed from the Dam Assessment 

Inlet Repairs – need Joe B to estimate replacement costs after high-water impacts 

Landscaping (lake, berm, entrances depending on funding) 

Replacing trees with bushes (nicely landscaped areas); start planning for fall implementation. Don R will schedule a subdivision walk for the board to observe & update the landscaping plan. 

Consider Jeremy’s suggestion to refresh condos entrance with obtaining more details and estimates 

Geese Deterrent – so far goose population/impacts seem much better; will continue to monitor 


Flooding within H2 - numerous houses were impacted with the significant rainfall 

Barking Dogs – no recent updates. 

Parking of boats, trailers, etc. – no updates 

Home improvements – no issues reported 

Need to begin work on updating Acres Covenants 

Mark will check with Dave about a section of our website board members could add news updates. 


Review Budget and expenses – reviewed financial report and still in good shape for the year. Our second CD is renewing on July 18th; rates are still down 

Dues Progress – down to only one outstanding payment 

Next meeting is on August 11th 

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