Hawthorne II Homeowners’ Association Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2021
Board Member Attendance
Don Read, Mark Clauss, *Tim Moore, Don Sutton, *Jeff “CC” Biggs
Capital Improvements (per annual meeting)
LED lights on fountains – fountains & new lights installed, west fountain back in shop for repairs
Plan and initiate upgrades needed from the Dam Assessment
Inlet Repairs – on pause
Landscaping (lake, berm, entrances)
Replacing trees with bushes (nicely landscaped areas)-Active
Trees at entrance on Woodbine – no update
Geese Deterrent – seems to be working well as very little goose activity around the lake
Barking Dogs – residents continue to be unhappy with excessive dog barking
Multiple letters to the owner and Police involvement still haven’t had much impact
Reminder of limitations for parking of boats, trailers, etc.
Hole on south side of Lake’s apron – having Joe Bierbaum repair it
Many backyard improvements underway– how best to manage for neighbors
Approved 2 Weaver Backyard pool and landscaping
Approved Worthington Backyard pool, landscaping and fence
Approved H Acres new home plan, will need to update Acres Covenants
Bogus lawsuit – Allen submitted paperwork and got the HOA dismissed from the lawsuit
Abandon car – appeared again on Woodbine and eventually was removed
Schedule Pumps, fountains, and Irrigation system startup – checking on Acres irrigation startup
Reviewed the monthly finance report; the 10-month CD renewed May 1 @ 0.15%
Dues Progress – 3 members still unpaid after bills w/ late fees mailed at end of April
Next meeting is on June 9th